Module-level declarations


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@extend(handle_evm_event) function handle_evm_event(event_data: event_data)
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@mount("admin.list_assets") query list_assets(): (FT3: list<(name: text,)>, Originals: list<(name: text, interface: text)>)
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@mount("admin.list_assets_by_player") query list_assets_by_player(account_id: byte_array): (FT3: list<list_item_dto>, Originals: list<list_item_dto>)
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@mount("admin.list_players") query list_players(search: text, page_size: integer, page_num: integer): (total: integer, players: list<list_player_dto>)


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@mount("admin.batch_mint_plot") operation batch_mint_plot(plots_to_mint: list<minting_dto>, island: text, region: text, chain_id: text, contract_address: byte_array)
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@mount("admin.initialize") operation initialize()
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@mount("admin.mint_crafting_station") operation mint_crafting_station(name: text, amount: integer)
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@mount("admin.mint_placeable") operation mint_placeable(name: text, amount: integer)
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@mount("admin.mint_plot") operation mint_plot(id: integer, water_type: text, water_quality: decimal, soil_type: text, soil_fertility: decimal, height: integer, width: integer, x_left: integer, y_bottom: integer, island: text, region: text, chain_id: text, contract_address: byte_array, cells: list<cell>)
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@mount("admin.mint_plot_to") operation mint_plot_to(account_id: byte_array, id: integer, water_type: text, water_quality: decimal, soil_type: text, soil_fertility: decimal, height: integer, width: integer, x_left: integer, y_bottom: integer, island: text, region: text, chain_id: text, contract_address: byte_array, cells: list<cell>)
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@mount("admin.rotate_alice_auth_descriptor") operation rotate_alice_auth_descriptor()
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@mount("admin.transfer_alice") operation transfer_alice(evm_address: byte_array, amount: integer)